The Part 150 Study conducted by an airport identifies a range of noise mitigation options available to property owners living within the eligible noise contours on the noise exposure map. FAA approved mitigation measures include Land Acquisition/Relocation, Sound Insulation, Avigation Easement Purchase, Sales Assistance and Purchase Assurance. The selection of one or more of these mitigation measures for implementation is dependent upon several variables such as the type of aircraft utilizing the airport; age, type and availability of housing stock; measured noise levels; political pressure; grant eligibility; and program goals.
THC staff understands the variables in choosing one or more mitigation measures and has extensive experience in planning and implementing all of the approved measures. THC has managed noise mitigation programs with just one mitigation measure as well as managed programs offering property owners a choice of four different mitigation options. For every program, however, THC has maintained an emphasis on maximizing the satisfaction of each stakeholder in the mitigation program. THC is recognized for achieving excellent satisfaction ratings through innovative processes, clear communications, contractor training, outreach media and knowledgeable staff.