Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services
Charlotte, North Carolina
Since 2000, THC has been implementing a hazard mitigation buyout program for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services in Charlotte, NC. Over the years, the program has been funded through federal (FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation and Hazard Mitigation), state (State Acquisition and Relocation Funds) and local funds. The City now funds the program with $4 million per year primarily through local money.
THC provides turnkey services for the voluntary acquisition and demolition of residential and commercial structures residing in the floodplain across six neighborhoods and representing a broad range of income levels. The success of the Sugar Creek buyout program has led to the acquisition of more than 350 properties and 500+ relocations.
As the prime consultant for this innovative program, THC is responsible for overall management of several sub-consultants and continuous task scheduling. Additional services include development and regular updating of relocation plan, conducting public meetings, initial interviews, writing legal descriptions, determining comparable housing costs, presenting offers, negotiations, closings, relocation assistance, environmental hazards testing, preparation of specifications, bids and monitoring of abatement services and demolition services, and grant management tasks.
Rocky Mount FEMA Buyout Program
Rocky Mount, North Carolina
Due to Hurricane Floyd’s flooding in 1999, FEMA funded a Floodplain Buyout Program in Rocky Mount, NC, that involved 500 parcels and the relocation of 800+ displacees. THC acquired 500+ flooded structures and relocated 800 as part of the largest (at the time) FEMA-funded buyout program in history.
City of Austin Real Estate Division
Austin, Texas
Cowford Swamp and Big Bull Landing Flood Mitigation Project
Horry County, South Carolina
THC is providing easement and right of way acquisition services for the modification of Big Bull Landing Road (Cowford Swamp Project) and a relief channel under Bucksport Road, to relieve and prevent floodwater from encroaching on the Bucksport community. The 11 tracts affected are located along Big Bull Landing Road and Bucksport Road.