THC projects have ranged from a few parcels to large-scale acquisitions of more than 500 parcels. Acquisitions have included easements (avigation, obstruction, utility, construction and conservation), right-of-way total and partial takings, businesses, single and multi-family dwellings, apartments, condominiums, mobile homes, churches, agricultural and vacant parcels as well as parcels obtained by donation. THC has also worked with more than 20 commercial airports implementing one or more noise mitigation measures including the only Design Build sound insulation program in the country (San Antonio International Airport). With over 10,000 parcels acquired and 16,000+ structures sound insulated, THC personnel are thoroughly knowledgeable in all applicable guidelines and regulations such as the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policy Act of 1970 – Public Law 91-646 (Uniform Act) as amended, Title 49 CFR Part 24 Regulations, FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-17, FAA Administration Order 5100.38D, Title 44 CFR Chapter 1 Floodplain Management Regulations Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Title 23 Part 710 (The Right of Way and Real Estate Regulation for Federal Highway Administration), Federal Transit Administration C 5010.1D regulations for Grant Management and HUD Handbook 1378.
Click on the project briefs to the left to view a sampling of projects THC personnel have managed that have been funded with federal (FHWA, FTA, HUD, FAA and FEMA), state and/or local grants.
To learn more about how we can help you with your next project, please contact:
Michael Moore
Director of Development
THC, Inc.
2915 Premiere Parkway
Suite 120
Duluth, GA 30097
(770) 623-0520 ext. 113
(770) 495-2384 fax